An exciting fresh start


Each year, the end of summer brings its particular blend of nostalgia for the slow, hot weeks of holidays and an eagerness to sharpen the pencils and get back to business. This year has its own set of expectations given the effects of the global pandemic. That is why we’re especially impatient to buckle down and present you a few of our new releases for the rentrée.

For children, we are delighted to present Little Nemo, Frank Pé’s wonderful homage to Winsor McCay, nature, and childhood. If it’s a sweet love story you’re after, we recommend Malgré tout (Against All Odds), which tells of two sixty-somethings who finally answer a long-simmering call of romance. For mystery and action, New York Cannibals will transport you to the mean streets in a chilling sequel to Little Tulip. Finally, Seth’s adventures are going strong in the 14th volume of our bestselling manga, Radiant

In addition, back to business means that our offices are officially open again. So you can now send us all of the books and contracts that have been waiting on your desk!

Industriously yours,

The MFR Team