Zorro : D’entre les morts

Diego is a young man who is convinced that he’s Zorro. As a child, he suffered a psychotic break after witnessing the murder of his parents by the drug cartel in his village. To cope with the trauma, he embraced the 200-year-old legend of Zorro by donning the mask, training with the sword, and declaring war on the Narcos for the sake of his people.

Don Quixote meets Narcos in Sean Gordon Murphy’s Zorro: Man of the Dead

Available as a Black and White edition as well!

Humaine trop humaine

“To philosophize is to learn to die,” said Montaigne. But, faced with
the vertiginous immensity of philosophy, sometimes we’d rather die
than learn. In need of help? Trust Catherine Meurisse to illuminate
neon and nothingness and to air out Plato’s cave. The most famous
philosophers flow from her observant pen: Aristotle, Nietzsche,
Cioran, Rousseau, Voltaire, Hegel, Deleuze, Beauvoir, Arendt, Marx…
The cartoonist takes the opportunity to rail against the predominance
of men in the world of ideas. Handling philosophical concepts with
rigor and humor, dispelling myths, Man and Superwoman sketches
out a different way to think and be in the world.


At the bottom of the ocean the fish are leading a quiet life, dancing and playing in the cool water… until, one day, a deep-sea diver disturbs their peace. She is looking for something called a “triton,” which she thinks must be worth a lot of money, and is determined to find it… But as she chases the triton in a kind of balletic duel, a whale suddenly appears and, GULP, swallows them both whole! If they are to get out alive, the two enemies must work together…

Myrmidon sous les mers

After donning his magnificent mermaid tail, Myrmidon enjoys the currents and the aquatic life.

The fish play, the seaweed dance, and the little character enjoys himself, unaware of the astonishing encounters that await him under the seas, in the depths of the ocean…

Super Simone Combat Le Plastique

Help Super Simone! A plastic monster is invading beaches and oceans. All hell’s breaking loose.And Simone’s superpowers aren’t enough. Only the strength of the collective will prevail!

RIP – Ce que la vie nous offre… Intégrale

What do you get with this special edition?

– Alternative cover
– Signed and recolored edition in Black and Yellow
– The first RIP omnibus, collecting the first 3 volumes.
– The second is scheduled for September 2024.

People sometimes die in general indifference.

People who have no family, no friends, no entourage. Sometimes they stay at home for a long time before being discovered. Fortunately, the company that employs Derrick and his colleagues is charged with cleaning up the mess before the whole family shows up. What they find isn’t always pretty…

Histoires incroyables du Tour de France

Relive all the mythical moments and rediscover the key figures in world cycling with the history of the Tour de France in Docu-BD! From the birth of the Tour to Chris Froome, the Bobet years, the Anquetil phenomenon and “Poupou la poisse”, you’ll know everything there is to know about the legendary Grande Boucle!

Caravage – L’ombre du peintre

Michelangelo Merisi, known as Caravaggio, came from nowhere, but always followed the path he was given, that of Art. Guided by his luminous talent and chaotic inner storms, Caravaggio mastered the technique of chiaroscuro to the point of becoming its undisputed master. His naturalistic, brutal and sublime work influenced the painters who followed him, as well as later art.

In this Docu-BD, Ernesto Anderle offers an audacious, dreamlike and pertinent rereading of the painter’s turbulent history, enhanced by superb documentary pages written by Chiara Stigliani, curator and restorer from Milan, Stéphane Loire, general curator at the Musée de Louvre, Sophie Laroche, curator at the Musée des Beaux Arts de Nancy and Diederik Bakhuÿs, curator at the Musée des Beaux Arts de Rouen.

Histoires incroyables des Jeux Olympiques et Paralympiques

From the raised fist of Tommy Smith in Mexico 1968 to the “perfect 10” of the young Romanian gymnast Nadia Comaneci, including the flight of Marie-José Perec from Sydney and Alice Milliat’s fight for sportswomen, or even the unique destiny of Usain Bolt and Abdellatif Baka, you will know absolutely everything about the major international competition that is the Olympic and Paralympic Games!